
Follow Christ's Example

Serving is an important component in the Christian life. Christ sets the example for us in the way that he served others. Jesus commands us to follow his example in serving one another and those around us:

"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have give you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."
- John 13:14-15

Check out our various serve teams below and fill out a Connect Card letting us know where you'd like to serve:

The Hospitality Team serves as the face of Parkview Church on Sunday mornings. They are responsible for greeting visitors, members, and attenders, connecting them to our various ministries, and making sure they feel at home at Parkview!

Positions include:

  • Greeter
  • Usher
  • Connect Center
  • Communion Setup
  • Coffee Crew

We highly value training up the next generation to learn, live, and love Jesus! It is a key part in the whole church forming whole disciples for the good of all people. We are always seeking volunteers to serve in a variety of ways with our Children’s Ministry.

Sunday morning positions include:

  • Check-in
  • Liason (perform classroom head counts, assist as needed)
  • Teacher for ages infant through 6th grade

Other opportunities include:

  • Awana (Wednesday nights)
  • VBS (Summer)
  • Walk with Jesus (the Saturday preceding Palm Sunday)

The Junior High and High School years are critical developmentally, and to this end, we long to see Junior High and High School students plugged into Christian community that spurs them on in their faith. We would love for you to join our team of volunteers who are pouring into these students and caring for their hearts!

Opportunities include:

  • Small group leader
  • PSM Sunday nights from 6-7:45PM
  • PSM Sunday mornings during the 9AM service

Our Sunday services and various events throughout the week require a team of people to run equipment such as lighting, audio, cameras, and more. Don’t let these technical terms scare you though – the Production Team has some amazing opportunities, and will train you in whatever role you aspire to fill.

Sunday positions include:

  • Projection (running slides during services)
  • Camera operator
  • Lighting board operator
  • Switcher (controlling what appears on the screens in-house and online)
  • House audio
  • Livestream audio

Other opportunities include:

  • Various events throughout the week requiring some of the same positions listed above
  • Set building and installation

The Psalms and many other parts of the Bible teach us how important song is in the life of the believer. We highly value singing together on Sunday mornings, and we love getting to incorporate other instruments as well! If you play an instrument or sing, we would love to add you to our team!

Regular positions include:

  • Vocalists
  • Guitars: electric, bass, acoustic
  • Piano: both electric and acoustic
  • Drums

On occasion, we like to incorporate special musical elements. Some positions we may look for include:

  • Strings (violin, viola, cello, bass)
  • Brass (trumpet, trombone, etc.)
  • Choir
  • Unique elements (banjo, keytar, didgeridoo)

Our As-Needed Serving Team steps in when needs arise in our congregation that aren’t met by our regular serving opportunities. This can include:

  • Providing meals for those who are ill
  • Helping at funerals
  • Helping rake or paint at the home of widow
  • Event decor, set up and tear down
  • Cleaning the kitchen